Аnd much more than just hard work…


  • Heda Jindrak Independent author


publication; response; view; throat singing; khoomei; health; koomagi; medicine; profession


The article "Khoomei is no fun — it is hard work",  by Dr. Zoya Kyrgys, (originally on tuvpravda.ru), as published in English translation on tuva.asia has generated some confusion, disbelief, dissatisfaction with the format and content of the article, and distrust of  the experimental results. I believe it is in order to address some of the expressed concerns. I have not personally reviewed the research data, but as a Board Certified Anatomic Pathologist and Forensic Pathologist I am certainly qualified to comment on general practices in research design and methods, medicine, statistics, and on pathophysiology of cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary disease processes in general. As a matter of fact, I find the research and its results not only believable, but very straightforward, with results and conclusions which are clear and even self-evident, well-reasoned and well supported.


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How to Cite

Jindrak, H. (2012) “Аnd much more than just hard work…”, The New Research of Tuva, 1. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/359 (Accessed: 22.07.2024).




Author Biography

Heda Jindrak, Independent author

Medical doctor, forensicpathologist

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