Bashkir linguist turcologist and methodologist educator Vali Psyachin turns 85
V. S. Psyanchin; Turkic studies; the Bashkir language; biographyAbstract
Bashkir linguist turcologist and methodologist educator Vali Psyachin turns 85References
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Psjanchin V. Sh. (2008) Bashkirskoe hudozhestvennoe slovo (ot slova k vyrazitel'noj rechi) : uchebnoe posobie po kursu «Izuchenie jazyka hudozhestvennoj literatury» dlja uchashhihsja 10–11 klassov gimnazij, liceev, obshheobrazovatel'nyh shkol. Ufa : Kitap. (Na bashk. jaz.).
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Judakin A. P. (2001) Uralo-altajskoe (tjurko-mongol'skoe) jazykoznanie : Jenciklopedija. M.
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