Traditional worldview and its reflection on language: to the issues of ethnic linguistics (based on Tuvan, Khakass and Khanty languages)


  • Andrey D. Kaksin N. F. Katanov Khakas State University, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History


traditional worldview; ethnic linguistics; Tuvan language; Khakass language; Khanty language


Article reviews from the positions of participation in a perspective of ethnic linguistics the riddles (in the Tuvan language), some phenomena of a language taboo (in the Khanty language), so-called false names of the Khakass language and both the Tuvan and Khakass connected (steady) "numerical”.


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How to Cite

Kaksin, A. D. (2015) “Traditional worldview and its reflection on language: to the issues of ethnic linguistics (based on Tuvan, Khakass and Khanty languages)”, The New Research of Tuva, 2. Available at: (Accessed: 19.12.2024).



Nomads of the Asian continent

Author Biography

Andrey D. Kaksin, N. F. Katanov Khakas State University, Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History

Doctor of Philology, leading researcher of the Institute of Humanities and Sayan-Altay Turkology of the Khakass state University named after N. F. Katanov,

leading researcher of the language of the Khakass research Institute of language, literature and history.