About the gold mining in the Urankhay region


  • Andrey A. Mongush Tuvan Institute for Complex Development of Natural Resources, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


placer gold; gold ore mining; mining history; Urankhay


Article presents the author’s presentation at International Science Conference devoted to 100th  jubilee "United Tuva in united Russia: history, modernity, futures” (July 3-4, 2014, Kyzyl). On the basis of archival material it provides most important episodes in the history of discovery and extraction of gold deposits in the territory of Tuva in the XIX - early XX centuries. 


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Maksimov, M. M. (1977) Ocherk o zolote. M. : Nedra.

Obruchev, V. A. (1926) Estestvennye bogatstva Tannu-Tuvinskoi respubliki i stepen' izuchennosti poslednei // Novyi Vostok. № 13–14. S. 261–270.

Skariatin, V. D. (1862) Zametki zolotopromyshlennika. SPb.



How to Cite

Mongush, A. A. (2014) “About the gold mining in the Urankhay region”, The New Research of Tuva, 3. Available at: https://nit.tuva.asia/nit/article/view/132 (Accessed: 27.07.2024).



The 100th anniversary of the unification of Tuva and Russia

Author Biography

Andrey A. Mongush, Tuvan Institute for Complex Development of Natural Resources, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate of geological-mineralogical Sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of geodynamics, and ore formation magmatism, Deputy Directoron scientific work