Family values of the population of the republics of Southern Siberia in the estimates of the Altaians, Tuvans, Khakass (according to the data of the sociological study of 2022)




family values; parenthood; marital union; Altaians; Tuvans; Khakass; Southern Siberia; Altai Republic; Tuva Republic; Khakassia Republic


The article examines the structure of family values among the Altai, Tuvan, and Khakass peoples, the indigenous inhabitants of three southern Siberian republics of Russia: Altai, Tuva, and Khakassia. The empirical basis of the research consists of the results of a sociological survey conducted by the authors in May — June 2022 in the regions. Dominant family value orientations are identified based on ethnocultural traditional beliefs.

The system of dominant family values is primarily represented by the value of marital union, with a significant component being the equality of gender roles between spouses. Recognition of the values of parenthood and kinship (with emphasis on one's own and adopted children, orientation towards extended family, and the value of the older generation) is also prominent.

It is established that Tuvans tend to be more committed to egalitarianism, large families, and support for relatives. Altai people exhibit a preference for preserving the traditional role of women in the family, supporting free child-rearing practices, and placing less emphasis on distant relatives. Respondents of Khakass origin prioritize the value of women's family role, the significance of children, and the care for the older generation.


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How to Cite

Трошкина И. Н., Ойдуп Т. М., Дилекова С. Д. Семейные ценности населения республик Южной Сибири в оценках алтайцев, тувинцев, хакасов (по данным социологического исследования 2022 г.) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2024, № 1. С. 166-183. DOI:

For citation:
Troshkina I. N., Oydup T. M. and Dilekova S. D. Family values of the population of the republics of Southern Siberia
in the estimates of the Altaians, Tuvans, Khakass (according to the data of the sociological study of 2022). New Research of Tuva, 2024, no. 1, pp. 166-183. (In Russ.). DOI:



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biographies

Irina N. Troshkina , Khakass Research Institute for Language, Literature, and History

Candidate of Philosophy, Head, Department of Economics and Sociology, Khakass Research Institute for Language, Literature, and History.

Postal address: 23 Shchetinkina St., 655017, Abakan, Russia.


Tana M. Oydup , Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of RAS

Candidate of Sociology, Leading Researcher, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources of Siberian Branch of RAS.

Postal address: 117a Internatsionalnaya St., 667007, Kyzyl, Russia.


Suraya D. Dilekova , Scientific Research Institute of Altaistics named after S. S. Surazakov

Researcher, Department History and Ethnography, Scientific Research Institute of Altaistics named after S.S. Surazakov.

Postal address: 6 Sotsialisticheskaya St., 649000, Gorno-Altaisk, Russia.
