Numerical and color code as an element of Tuvan riddles about man
riddle; Tuvan riddle; cultural code; number; colorAbstract
The purpose of this article is to determine the features characterizing the functions of numerical and color culture codes in the descriptive part of the Tuvan riddle. The significance of the study is its insight into the oral and poetic legacy of the peoples of Russia, the reconstruction of the underlying categories of thinking and the identification of the unique features of categorization and conceptualization of the world by different peoples, including a case study of traditional riddles. The object of our research is Tuvan riddles about man; its subject is the semantics of number and color in an enigmatic text.
We have found that numerals in the riddles are used, as a rule, in their literal mathematical meaning. They describe an implied object by pointing to its objective quantitative feature that helps to make a cognitive “leap” from its coding part (‘enigmator’) to its coded object (‘enigmat’). The use of color vocabulary both in direct and figurative meanings is connected with the linguistic and cultural acquisition of the world and the specific character of the Tuvan worldview. The article concludes that quantitative and color attributes, which are common for both the coded object of reality and the coding part, stimulate the mechanisms of logical thinking and justify the metaphorical transfer in the Tuvan riddles about man.
The research is based on a collection of Tuvan riddles compiled by Georgy N. Kurbatskii and published in 2021. 135 riddles about man and his world outlook were selected from the edition by a continuous sampling method.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Bochina T. G. Chislovoi i tsvetovoi kod kak komponent tuvinskikh zagadok o cheloveke [Numerical and color code as an element of Tuvan riddles about man]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 3, pp. 6-20. (In Russ.). DOI:
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