The activities of the Council for Religious Cults Affairs in Tuva (1944–1962)



Tuva; Buddhism in Tuva; history of Tuva; Buddhist; Tuvan Autonomous Oblast; Old Believers; religious policy; Council for Religious Cults Affairs; history of the USSR; Soviet period


The article examines the activities of the Council for Religious Cults Affairs of the USSR in Tuva over the period of 1944 to 1962. The Council for Religious Cults Affairs (CRCA) was the most public body of the Soviet state in interacting with religious organizations on issues of internal and foreign policy priorities of the USSR leadership, as well as in partially meeting the demands of religious organizations. The inclusion of Tuva in the USSR in 1944 meant the necessity of conducting a religious policy on its territory through the authorized CRCA representatives who performed their official duties with varying degrees of quality. In the territory of Tuva, problems of religious policy were similar to those in other regions, but had their own primarily Buddhist specificity.

The basis of the research consisted of declassified (since 2010) materials from the State Archives of the Russian Federation (the fonds “R–6991. The Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. 1943–1991”). The situation in the field of religious policy in Tuva is reflected in only six cases stored in the inventory list No. 3 “The Council for Religious Cults Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. 1944–1960”. The information from them is introduced into academic discourse for the first time.

The analysis of the documents was conducted in chronological order of appointments, correspondence and reports of the following authorized representatives in the Tuvan Autonomous Oblast to their Moscow supervisor, I. V. Polyansky: M. Badra, S. Namchak, B. U. Tagba, G. Mikhailov, B. U. Tagba (for a second time), S. Shoma and G. Ivanov (acting authorized representative).


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How to Cite

Ахмадуллин В. А. Деятельность Совета по делам религиозных культов в Туве (1944–1962) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2023, № 2. С. 125-140. DOI:

For citation:
Akhmadullin V. A. Deiatel’nost’ Soveta po delam religioznykh kul’tov v Tuve (1944–1962) [The activities of the Council for Religious Cults Affairs in Tuva (1944–1962)]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 2, pp. 125-140. (In Russ.). DOI:



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