Features of functioning and legal regulation of the labor market in the Republic of Tuva under conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation





Republic of Tuva; labor market; labor resources; employment; unemployment; labor migration; digital transformation; COVID-19 pandemic


The article presents an analysis of the impact of extraneous shocks (the pandemic and digitalization) on the conditions of the labor market in the Republic of Tuva and prospects for increasing its adaptability to the challenges of a changing economy.

The Republic has a complex economic structure and an unbalanced labor market. Along with the general underemployment and lack of employment opportunities for promising young people, there is a backlog demand for specialists who have the qualifications necessary for the Tuvan economy. The problem lies in the unresponsiveness of the Tuvan labor market to attempts to reverse negative trends. This complicates the transition of the Republic’s economy to an innovative development model.

We have analyzed new phenomena in the Tuvan labor market that are related to the pandemic and digital transformation processes. The authors have considered opportunities for improving regulatory measures aimed at coping with the imbalances of the republican labor market, primarily the structural lack of labor resources. The impact of the pandemic is defined as ambivalent: amid economic difficulties and social losses, the external shock has become one of the incentives to accelerate the digital transformation in various spheres of life and activity, including the systems of education, employment and the economy as a whole. An attempt is made to assess the impact of new factors that emerged in 2022 (the introduction of international sanctions and partial mobilization) on the Tuvan labor market and its regulation.


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How to Cite

Попова С. М., Яник А. А., Кашепов А. В. Особенности функционирования и правового регулирования рынка труда Республики Тыва в условиях пандемии COVID-19 и цифровой трансформации // Новые исследования Тувы. 2023, № 2. С. 17-33. DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2023.2.2

For citation:
Popova S. M., Yanik A. A. and Kashepov A. V. Osobennosti funktsionirovaniia i pravovogo regulirovaniia rynka truda Respubliki Tyva v usloviiakh pandemii COVID-19 i tsifrovoi transformatsii [Features of functioning and legal regula­tion of the labor market in the Republic of Tuva under conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic and digital transformation]. New Research of Tuva, 2023, no. 2, pp. 17-33 (In Russ.). DOI: https://doi.org/10.25178/nit.2023.2.2



Ethnicity and society

Author Biographies

Popova S. Popova, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS

Candidate of Political Sciences, Leading Research Fellow, Department for the Legal Support of Socio-demographic Processes, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS.

Postal address: Office 1, 6, Fotievoi St., 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation.

E-mail: popova-svetlana@idrras.ru

Andrey A. Yanik, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department for the Legal Support of Socio-demographic Processes, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS.

Postal address: Office 1, 6, Fotievoi St., 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation.

E-mail: yanik-andrey@idrras.ru

Alexey V. Kashepov, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher, Department for Reproduction of Labor Resources and Employment, Institute for Demographic Research of the FCTAS RAS.

Postal address: Office 1, 6, Fotievoi St., 119333 Moscow, Russian Federation.

E-mail: avkash@list.ru