The role of social entrepreneurship in the human development of the Republic of Tuva




social entrepreneurship; project activities; human development; Republic of Tuva; Tuva; non-profit organization; Presidential Grant Foundation


The article analyzes the role of social entrepreneurship in the human development of the Republic of Tuva. The analysis is based on data for 2017–2022 taken from the website of the Presidential Grant Foundation that supports NPOs. A modified J. A. Kelly’s repertory grid technique was applied.

The activity area “Support of Projects in the Field of Science, Education and Enlightenment” holds the top position in terms of resources attracted to the region. “Environmental and Animal Protection” is the second, and “Protection of Citizens’ Health, Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle” is the third. Together, they accounted for 51 per cent of all funds raised. With the help of such projects, NPOs in Tuva work with different social groups in a targeted way, including socially vulnerable categories of people, involving fathers, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, the elderly, etc. Social entrepreneurs of the region reveal pressing issues and offer both traditional and innovative solutions. Their successful implementation will be useful to other regions of the country. Some social entrepreneurs have already created unique products: the Uriankhai and Tuvan Encyclopedia (TROO “The World of the Tuvans”) and an electronic archive of rare and historical issues of printed publications of the Republic of Tuva (Tuvan Library Association). They have become important resources not only for the residents of Tuva, but also for all Russian citizens.


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How to Cite

Лавренюк-Исаева Н. М. Роль социального предпринимательства в человеческом развитии Республики Тыва // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022. № 4. С. 190-212. DOI:

For citation:
Lavrenyuk-Isayeva N. M. Rol’ sotsial’nogo predprinimatel’stva v chelovecheskom razvitii Respubliki Tyva [The role of social entrepreneurship in the human development of the Republic of Tuva]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 4, pp. 190‑212. (In Russ.). DOI:



Tuva yesterday, today, tomorrow

Author Biography

Natalya M. Lavrenyuk-Isayeva, Ufa University of Science and Technology

Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Youth Work; Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology, Ufa University of Science and Technology.

Postal address: 32 Z. Validi St., 450072 Ufa, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (987) 131-97-06.
