Chronicle of the Tuvan language shift in the Republic of Tuva



language shift factor; Republic of Tuva; Tuvan language; language situation; language policy; language competence; language loyalty; language shift


The article presents an analysis of the language shift factors that are the most relevant for modern Tuvan and the linguistic situation in Tuva. The authors examine the factors that cause intense changes in the language environment, the specificity of the language legislation and policy in Tuva and in the Russian Federation in general, as well as behavioral and estimating attitudes of the present-day Tuvan language speakers. The research is based on the data of a sociolinguistic survey conducted by the authors in 2021 among the urban and rural population of Tuva as well as on official information and statistical data.

The authors have come to the conclusion that extralinguistic factors in the functioning of the contemporary Tuvan language (geographical location, the inaccessibility of the region, the late entry of Tuva into the USSR that determined the density of the Tuvan population within one territory and their predominance in number) are not of any great significance anymore. The state educational policy based on uniform federal standards, economic factors, the widespread use of the Internet and Russian-language television exert a significant influence on the language situation in Tuva today. The Tuvans often speak the Russian language in family communication, this is especially typical for the urban Tuvans and those living near towns.

The most dynamic factors that contribute to the gradual changes in language loyalty, language attitudes of the Tuvans, and the loss of intergenerational transmission of the mother tongue are the following: an increase of the pragmatic value of education among young Tuvan people, the spread of digital technologies, as well as changes in the system of traditional values and in the sociocultural environment in general.


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How to Cite

Биткеева А. Н., Цыбенова Ч. С. Хроника языкового сдвига в тувинском языке в Республике Тыва // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022. № 4. С. 6-27. DOI:

For citation:
Bitkeeva A. N. and Tsybenova Ch. S. Khronika iazykovogo sdviga v tuvinskom iazyke v Respublike Tyva [Chronicle of the Tuvan language shift in the Republic of Tuva]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 4, pp. 6-27. (In Russ.). DOI:


