Social capital of Tuva, Khakassia and Altai in estimates and opinions of their inhabitants (according to mass surveys conducted in 2013, 2018)
social capital; capital of trust; identity; social network; Republic of Tuva; Republic of Khakassia; Altai RepublicAbstract
The aim of the study is to analyze the features and dynamics of changes and to determine the nature of the main components (types) of social capital in the republics of Tuva, Khakassia and Altai (as estimated and represented by residents of the regions). In the research, the structure of social capital has been conceptualized. It includes three elements: the “capital of trust”, the “capital of values and norms” and the “capital of social networks”. The considered elements of the social capital structure are analytically distinguished and interrelated. The empirical basis of the study was the results of mass surveys conducted in the republics of Tuva, Khakassia and Altai in 2013 and 2018.
The conducted research on estimates of social capital in the republics of Southern Siberia has shown that it is in the process of transformation. This explains the controversial picture of the functioning of the elements of both bonding and bridging social capital. The considered factors and indicators demonstrated, for instance, the average level of self-categorization and identification with the national Russian community among the residents of the region, a low level of responsibility for the state of domestic affairs, as well as a lack of confidence in the executive authorities. This is characteristic of the bridging type of social capital. This thesis is confirmed by the results of the surveys which indicate that residents of the southern Siberian republics are not ready to act within the framework of public and political organizations, but are inclined to mutual assistance and limited altruism. A high level of complementarity of sociocultural, ethnically and confessionally heterogeneous groups of the region was revealed. It is also characteristic of the bridging type of social capital and includes the coincidence of moral norms and values, zero tolerance for discrimination. This indicates the formation of groups of a “large radius of confidence” and the positive dynamics of the capital of values and norms. In general, the dynamics of the social capital development in the region can be optimistically estimated, since the tradition of political participation is distinctly being formed. The bonding social capital can disrupt this connection by supporting an inefficient state and depriving modern institutions of public support.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Aksiutun Yu. M. Sotsial’nyi kapital respublik Tyva, Khakasiia i Altaia v otsenkakh i predstavleniiakh zhitelei regionov (po dannym massovykh oprosov 2013 i 2018 gg.) [Social capital of Tuva, Khakassia and Altai in estimates and opinions of their inhabitants (according to mass surveys conducted in 2013, 2018)]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 3, pp. 150-169. (In Russ.). DOI:

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