The personal fonds of Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhi in the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva



personal files; writer; Tuvan literature; Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhi; Tuvan culture; National Archives of the Republic of Tuva


The article is the first attempt to conduct a historical, archival and textual analysis of the documentary legacy of the classic writer of the 20th-century Tuvan literature Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhi (1929–2006). It is kept in the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva as one of the personal archives. The authors have examined the composition and content of the personal files. Some archival documents of Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich are introduced into scholarly discourse. We describe their composition and present a comparative analysis of his fiction, published works and manuscripts of the writer.

During the initial systematization of the fonds, the archivists used a chronological scheme, i.e. cases were grouped by year, without categorization into types and topics. This causes inconvenience while further studying the personal archive. The authors propose a systematization of the documents by nominal attribute, grouping them into the following sections: biographical documents, documents regarding official and public activities, documents relating to creative activity, provenance documents, and correspondence.

We discuss some records about the writer’s creative heritage in particular and present a comparative analysis of manuscripts and published works, including his famous novel “Ulug-Khem the Restless”.


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How to Cite

Монгуш Е. Д., Мунге Б. В. Личный фонд Кызыл-Эника Кыргысовича Кудажи в Национальном архиве Республики Тыва // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022, № 3. С. 6-24. DOI:

For citation:
Mongush E. D. and Munge B. V. Lichnyi fond Kyzyl-Enika Kyrgysovicha Kudazhi v Natsional’nom arkhive Respub­liki Tyva [The personal Fonds of Kyzyl-Enik Kyrgysovich Kudazhi in the National Archives of the Republic of Tuva]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 3, pp. 6-24. (In Russ.). DOI:



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