Ethnodemographics of youth in the republics of Tuva and Bashkortostan
youth; ethnodemographics; fertility rates; ethnic identity; Republic of Tuva; Republic of BashkortostanAbstract
The article presents the outcomes of a comparative analysis of youth ethnodemographics (14 to 35 years) in the Republics of Tuva and Bashkortostan, building on statistical data from the 2010 census and a sociological survey held in 2021 in both republics.
Our study has found that both regions feature the general trend of decreased share of youth in the total population breakdown. Territorially, youth in both republics is largely living in the rural areas. Unlike Bashkortostan, though, the Republic of Tuva has a larger share of youth in the age breakdown, higher fertility rate among youth, and, since 2018, an increase in the number of youth.
Also noted is the erosion of the feeling of ethnic identity under the influence of the region’s multiethnicity, i. e. living in close neighborhood with other ethnic groups of similar size. It is ethnic identity which also accounts for the rise in social capital, the access to social benefits and self-actualization.
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How to Cite
For citation:
Gaifullin A. Yu. Etnodemograficheskie kharakteristiki molodezhi v respublikakh Tyva i Bashkortostan [Ethnodemographics of youth in the republics of Tuva and Bashkortostan]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 2, pp. 128-142. (In Russ.). DOI:

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