Ethno-linguistic situation as a factor in the social well-being of the Republics of Russia: the cases of Tuva, Bashkortostan and Kalmykia




linguistic situation; social well-being; regional language; native language; Tuva; Bashkortostan; Kalmykia; Tuvans; Bashkirs; Kalmyks


The article deals with the influence some aspects of ethnolinguistic situation in Russia’s constituent republics have over the social well-being of local population. Opinion polls held in Bashkortostan, Tuva and Kalmykia between December 2020 to January 2022 are an important measuring tool of social well-being in the region. Respondents’ assessments of protection and development of regional languages, experience of discrimination against their native and/or regional language by members of other ethnicities, as well as of understanding the importance of protecting native languages and cultures, are all important contributing factors to the general feeling of social well-being.

The article traces the correlation between what the respondents think of the conditions of learning and protecting the regional language of the republic and their opinion on the general quality of life in the republic as compared to other constituent regions of Russia. Quality of living gets a more positive assessment if respondents believe that learning and protecting the regional language have improved over the last 10 years. Respondents from Tuva who think that quality of living in the republic is higher than anywhere else in Russia, tend to value the protection of ethnic culture and language in the region higher. In other regions, however, the two opinions are not directly correlated. Those respondents who tend to undervalue their “own” regional and/or native tongue show no prevailing trends in assessing life in the region.

Bashkirs from Bashkortostan, Russians in Tuva and Kalmyks in Kalmykia, as polls reveal, have more experience of disrespect for their regional and/or native language than any other ethnic group in the three republics. The reasons are, however, region-specific. In Bashkortostan, this is due to disagreements on the use of official languages and a number of other social and political events in the region. In Tuva, the reason lies in the small number of Russians among the region’s population. In Kalmykia, the problem has been influenced by the overall linguistic situation in the region and the decrease in the number of Kalmyks who can speak the Kalmyk language.


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How to Cite

Туракаев М. С. Этноязыковая ситуация как фактор социального самочувствия региона в национальных республиках России (на примере Тувы, Башкортостана и Калмыкии) // Новые исследования Тувы. 2022, № 2. С. 70-84. DOI:

For citation:
Turakayev M. S. Etnoiazykovaia situatsiia kak faktor sotsial’nogo samochuvstviia regiona v natsional’nykh respublikakh Rossii (na primere Tuvy, Bashkortostana i Kalmykii) [Ethno-linguistic situation as a factor in the social well-being of the Republics of Russia: the cases of Tuva, Bashkortostan and Kalmykia)]. New Research of Tuva, 2022, no. 2, pp. 70-84. (In Russ.). DOI:



Ethnicity and society

Author Biography

Marсel S. Turakayev, Bashkir State University

Candidate of Sociology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Youth Work, Bashkir State University.

Postal address: 3/4 Karl Marx St., 450076 Ufa, Russian Federation.

Tel.: +7 (965) 656-28-82.
