Glocalization among Old Believers: models and subjects in contemporary modernization of traditionalist communities in Tuva and Budjak




Tuva; Old Belief; Chasovennoe accord; Lipovans; Budjak; glocalization; modernization; traditionalism


Making use of original archaeographical and ethnographic field material collected by the author among the Old Believers of Tuva and Budjak, the article deals with the issues of inclusion/exclusion of traditionalist communities to/from the processes of globalization. This comparative perspective allows us to focus on the general and particular aspects of how communities with specific worldviews see modernization. Confessional and territorial characteristics of such groups as the Lipovans and Chasovennye are frequently presented in the context of advancing challenges of the “outer world”, and come as a creative response to this world’s practices.

This mode of analysis will help accentuate how global standards are reimagined and constructed rather than simply mentally consumed, from “importing notions” to “adapting ideas”. In this sense, Christian eschatology is crucially important as it turns into the mental matrix of current glocalization.


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How to Cite

Пригарин А. А. Глокализация в старообрядческой среде: модели и субъекты современной модернизации традиционалистских общностей Тувы и Буджака // Новые исследования Тувы. 2021, № 3. С. 210-231. DOI:

For citation:
Prigarin A. A. Glokalizatsiia v staroobriadcheskoi srede: modeli i sub»ekty sovremennoi modernizatsii traditsionalis­tskikh obshchnostei Tuvy i Budzhaka [Glocalization among Old Believers: models and subjects in contemporary modernization of traditionalist communities in Tuva and Budjak]. New Research of Tuva, 2021, no. 3, pp. 210-231. (In Russ.). DOI:



Dialogue of cultures

Author Biography

Aleksandr A. Prigarin, I. I. Mechnikov Odessa National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Archaeology and Ethnology of Ukraine, I.I. Mechnikov Odessa National University.

Postal address: Apt. 28, 72 Mechnikov St., 65020 Odessa, Republic of Ukraine.

Tel.: +380505691067.
