Othering as Perception: Old Believers of Us and Perspectives of Pre-Revolutionary Ethnographic Descriptions of Religious Communities





Old Believers; internal colonization; ethnographic description; othering; Usinskii krai; Krasnoyarsk krai; N. A. Putilov; Ivan Alekseevich Pugovkin; Aleksandr Vasilievich Adrianov; Feliks Yakovlevich Kon


This paper focuses on making of identity and othering of Old Believers, who founded settlements on river Us (currently assigned to Krasnoyarsk krai), in ethnographical works by I.A. Pugovkin, N.A. Putilov, A.V. Adrianov, and F.Ya. Kon. Old Believers resettled behind the Sayan Mountains in 1860-s at the Russia-China border, in the area of Tuvan seasonal migrations. Along with emergence of the community there appears an image of Us krai. Drawing on the conception of inner colonization I suggest an analysis of ideological elements hidden in the structure of ethnographic descriptions of religious groups. Old Believers were at the center of attention of ethnographers. However, authors were prejudicial in presenting an experience of interaction with them in a sense that their narrative was not free from ideologies and stereotypes consensual for pre-revolutionary literature.


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How to Cite

Рыговский Д. С. Экзотизация как познание: усинские старообрядцы и оптики дореволюционных этнографических описаний религиозных сообществ // Новые исследования Тувы. 2021, № 3. С. 111-127. DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2021.3.9

For citation:
Rygovskii D. S. Ekzotizatsiia kak poznanie: usinskie staroobriadtsy i optiki dorevoliutsionnykh etnograficheskikh opi­sanii religioznykh soobshchestv [Othering as Perception: Old Believers of Us and Perspectives of Pre-Revolutionary Ethnographic Descriptions of Religious Communities]. New Research of Tuva, 2021, no. 3, pp. 111-127. (In Russ). DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2021.3.9



Religion and Modernity

Author Biography

Danila S. Rygovskii, University of Tartu

Doctoral student, Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tartu.

Postal address: 51003, Estonia, Tartu, Ülikooli 16.

Tel.: +3727375223.

Email: danielrygovsky@gmail.com.

Supervisor: lecturer, PhD Ergo-Hart Västrik.