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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This contribution has never been published previously under any title, nor submitted for publication in any other academic or non-academic source.
  • The author(s) has read the pages on 'Publication fee', 'Recommendations for papers having two or more contributors', ‘Copyright Notice’, ‘Declaration on conflicting interest’ and ‘Policy of confidentiality and informed consent’.

  • The contribution file is in the Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • Whenever possible, URLs are given in full. If convenient, please use an online URL shortening service.
  • The line interval throughout the body text is set to 1.5; and in the  abstract, keywords, notes, references, and author information, to 1,0. Throughout the text, only font size 14 is used. Emphasis is added by italics and notunderline. All tables, illustrations and graphs are within the body text, with an appropriate caption.
  • The style of your contribution and the references correspond to the the requirements listed in the Author guidelines, located in the “About the journal” section of the site.
  • If you are contributing to the peer-reviewed section of the journal, please check the requirements in the Blind peer-review section.

Author Guidelines

Before submitting their contribution, author(s) should read the journal concept page, browse the journal’s archives and familiarize themselves with the pages on 'Publication fee', 'Copyright Notice', '``Recommendations for papers having two or more contributors', 'Declaration on conflicting interest' and 'Policy of confidentiality and informed consent'.

The journal will not accept papers that have been published before or are being reviewed by other print and/or online source. We strongly advice not to submit papers for reviewing simultaneously to multiple journals. If your submission to our journal have been reviewed and accepted by other journal(s), you are obliged to inform the editors.

1. Contribution length. The editorial board accepts articles of no more than 30 000 characters (including spaces). Asbtract, keywords, references, author information are not counted for contribution length.

2. Formats. Contribution should be submitted in three mandatory files (excluding supplementary files).

First file should contain contribution title, name of the author, institutional affiliation, author information (last name, first name, patronymic if applicable, academic degree, academic title, position held, organization and subdivision if applicable, office address with postal code, contact phones (office, mobile), E-mail, ORCID ID). Authors should acknowledge if they agree to have their phone number (office or mobile) and e-mail exposed on article page on web-site.

Second file does not contain author name and information! This is mandatory for blind peer reviewing. The file should be in RTF format, pages numbered.

The size of the body text: font size 14, line interval 1.0; margins: left — 3 cm, right, bottom and top — 2 cm.

The paragraph indention is 1.25 (please do not use SPACE and TAB keys for this purpose).

Notes (source of grant if applicable – as a first footnote on page one), endnotes – font size 12, line interval 1.0.

Third file — author’s photograph in JPG format. Authors can refuse submitting photograph for religious reasons.

3. The structure of the article (second file). The first page of the article (center alignment) should start with the following:

contribution title;

abstract and keywords in English (justify alignment).

source of grant support (if applicable).

Followed by the structured body of the article with subtitles.

Followed by the references (justify alignment).

4. Abstract and keywords. Should be included with all types of submissions (scientific paper, review, short note, etc.)!

The abstract should contain no less than 200, but no more than 300 words. Abstract for reviews and short notes may consist of up to 100 words.

The keyword list should contain no more than 10 items (words or collocations). They should reflect the content of the article, emphasize the topical area of the research, and occur in the text of the article. Keywords should be delimited by semicolon, list should not end with a dot. See also: Keyword policies

5. Citations and References.

Please use parenthetical referencing, also known as Harvard referencing.

The references to citation sources and other information should be formatted in text within brackets: (author, comma, year, colon, page), for example: “As J. Smith argues in his paper (Smith, 2008: 8), …”. Several authors should be listed as names divided by commas: (Smith, Wilson, 2013). If cited publication has no explicit author, it should be exposed in title full or partial without quote signs, eg (Regional history … , 2010) – in case of partial title quote ellipsis should be separated with spaces. Reference to Internet source should be formatted as follows: (author [or title if no author], year of publication [if applicable]: online).

References should contain only sources, the author is citing in the article body.

It is advised to have 10 to 30 sources in references, in in certain circumstances it is possible to list more.

If References contain entities in Cyrillic it is mandatory to transliterate them into Latin using following tool:

References should be listed in alphabetical order without numbering.

The source in references list should be defined as follows:

last name should be separated from initials by comma;

year of publication in round brackets (only digits);


journal or collected book title – italic;

colophon excluding year: for journals – issue number and article page; for collected books and conference materials – city, publisher and number of pages.

References should only include peer reviewed titles. Rest of the sources should be referred to by a page footnotes (numbering should start with “1” on every page).

If several works by the same author were published in the same year, please add a letter (a, b, c, etc.) to the citation, e.g. (Smith, 2014аb.).

Internet source in references should contain author name, title, full name of the site (portal), link (URL: … ) and date of access in brackets.

Archival sources should be stated in article body in round brackets, e.g.: (National Archives of the Republic of Tuva – hereafter NA RT, f. 1, d. 2, l. 15). Archival sources are not listed in references.

If a reference has a DOI number, it should be included in the following format:

6. Special rules for text formatting. Text notes for article should be placed on the same page (footnotes), numbering on each page should start from 1!

Submission can contain tables, diagrams in the article body. Pictures (in JPG format) should be submitted as extra files. Each should be numbered and named.

Captions for images should be placed in the body of the text approximately where illustration should be imposed. Captions should include the numbering mentioned above and describe the content, indicate the author and year taken. E.g.: Photo 1. Contributors to field work in Erzin. Photo by A. Mongush, 2010, etc.

7. Supplementary materials to submission. Submissions can contain supplementary materials:

— audio files (up to 10 files 10 megabyte each),

— video files (up to 10 files 10 megabyte each).

Supplementary files are published on article page and are available to readers free for downloading, watching and listening.

Each supplementary file should indicate: title, creator and owner of the file, type of material (research tool, research material, research result, transcript, etc.), abstract, publisher, date of collection. Please, note: if you are using materials of other authors or publishers, it is mandatory to have authors’ or publishers’ permission for publication and editors are eligible to ask for it.

You can also requst to include QR-codes with links to supplementary material uploaded to web sites with open access (YouTube, author’s personal sites). To do so include the full hyperlink in the body of the text and add a note for editor: “… (please generate a QR-code) …”.

8. Submission address.

We advise to submit papers and messages via the journal web-site after registering in OJS system.

You can also submit your papers to Subject should contain: “Article for “The New Research of Tuva”.

Encyclopedia of Tuvan culture

In this section, we will publish articles comprising results of research on contemporary Tuvan ethnic culture:

— conditions, factors and trends of the development of Tuvan ethnic culture as a whole and its particular traditions, rituals in their current state;

— scientific, social, political and other issues of studies on contemporary ethnic culture of the Tuvans;

— description and analysis of particular cultural traditions and rituals of the Tuvan people;

— description and analysis of a cultural tradition and a rite of a specific kin group of the Tuvans;

— new forms of modern Tuvan ethnic culture (which have emerged over the past twenty years);

— reflections of sociocultural changes of recent years in the Tuvan language;

— the role of personality in the current restoration, maintenance and development of Tuvan ethnic culture, etc.

The main research fields are the following: social anthropology, cultural anthropology, ethnography, cultural studies, history, sociology, political science, and philology.

The chronological scope is the 21st century (the 2000s — up to the present time).

Priority will be given to:

  1. a) articles containing new field materials with detailed descriptions, including videos, audio records, photos;
  2. b) articles with analysis based on new theoretical and methodological approaches of cultural anthropology.

NB! In order to submit an article to this section, authors should first send an abstract with an outline (1–2 pages) to discuss its content with the editorial board ( Articles should not contain references to sources of funding.

Dialogue of cultures

This section invites articles on comparative Tuvan studies. Tuva and Tuvan ethnic culture form a part of Russia and its culture but nevertheless they also belong to the region of Siberia, Buddhist culture, Turkic-speaking world and of the unique cultures of Central Asia and the Sayan-Altai region. 

Privacy Statement

The names, email addresses and other personal data you provide on this website, will be used only in accordance with the purposes stated by the journal and under no circumstances will be passed on to third persons or organizations.

The article file and the article metadata page on the journal site will only contain the following information on the author(s):

- their name(s)

- their institutional affiliation(s)

- the authors' email(s)

Other data required by the system, such as the authors'  work address or phone/fax number, are intended for communication purposes only and will not be displayed on the article metadata page on in the article file.