About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The New Research of Tuva is peer-reviewed open-access online academic journal. Our focus is on comprehensive studies of Tuva – an interdisciplinary field of research in humanities and sciences which covers the history and culture of the Republic of Tuva (Russian Federation) and the peoples that have created its unique sociocultural context.

The journal encourages using new theoretical and methodological approaches in Tuva studies, addressing new problems and finding new perspectives on potential solutions. The journal’s scope is the contemporary issues in the development of Tuva, its culture and society. We publish comparative studies of Tuva and other regions with similar ethnocultural structure (the presence of traditional nomadic cultures). Also welcomed are comparative studies of Tuva and Turkic and/or Mongolian worlds, Slavic, Central Asian and other worlds, and indigenous peoples of Siberia.

The journal welcomes ethnic culture studies in line with Indigenous Methodology (i.e. those conducted by representatives of indigenous ethnic cultures and making use of respective worldview systems).

To enhance the comparativity and expand the dialogue between scholars working on similar issues in various regions of Russia and the world, The New Research of Tuva also publishes contributions on Kalmykia, Buryatia, Khakassia, Altai, Saha-Yakutia, other regions of Siberia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

Photo from Wikipedia.

The New Research of Tuva welcomes contributions in Russian and English. The journal is published quarterly.

Since 2016, the journal publishes guest-edited thematic issues.

The New Research of Tuva welcomes contributions in Russian and English – original research articles, reviews, announcements or chronicle pieces. The journal is published quarterly.

Editor-in-chief — Chimiza K. Lamazhaa, Doctor of Philosophy.

To access, the journal, visit http://nit.tuva.asia,

The journal is part of the Tuva studies portal: http://www.tuva.asia/

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